Five Star Pizza Is the Best in St. Augustine
Five Star Pizza
My name on here is StAugLocal. Local, not Native. I’ve also extensively traveled, so I know a bit more than those Natives. And that’s why my opinion matters here. It’s not always right, especially even in my own household. But for pizza in St. Augustine? Five Star.
I even remember the first time I had it. I’m not a fan of a pizza with ‘everything’ but here I was, stuck someplace I didn’t want to be, with a pizza I didn’t really want to eat. I’m just insanely picky about what I do eat, it had green peppers, and that’s on my no list. I was with my wife, we were at a small party, and she gets embarrassed when I don’t eat. Thinks I’m insulting the hosts or something. So I had the pizza that didn’t appeal to me, and well.
It was fantastic. It was the flavor of a pizza I’d been missing ever since deciding to make St. Augustine my home. It was just a good ol’ regular pizza. Nice amounts of everything, cooked perfectly. I’m honestly not a big fan of the St. Augustine Dining Scene. It’s a big thing here, but not to me. I compare everything to other places I’ve been, and not much stacks up. But for pizza, this is exactly what i want.
My Own Order
When it was time to order my own pizza, I figured I’d give Five Star a shot. Pulled up the website, and I almost backed out of ordering. The site is something I just don’t like, it feels cheap and shady. I dunno, what do I actually expect from a pizza website though? Then I saw their prices and the sizes of the pizzas, and I just had to see if this was for real.
It is. The pizzas are huge, as I had noted at the party. I just didn’t know that was pretty much the regular size at Five Star. The price was beyond fair, especially considering what some of the other smaller places offer. My pizza showed up pretty fast, the driver found my tricky spot by actually reading the instructions I’d been able to send them. And the pizza I had custom ordered was perfect. The toppings seemed fresh, there were plenty of them, it was cooked well and delivered hot. Perfect.
Other Items
You can’t please everyone all the time, or something like that. So Five Star has more than pizza, but not much. And of course, if they add more, it would probably take away from the quality of the pizza. You can get chicken wings or bites, and they have a couple of dipping sauces. There are pepperoni rolls, garlic rolls, and cheesy breadsticks. You can grab cinnamon rolls or brownies. For beverages, Pepsi products. There is no alcohol.
It’s Not Always
It’s been many years now and they’re my regular place. I tried a new place for a few months, they were closer to my house, but their quality went downhill fast, and their online ordering process became impossible. I tried a national chain again, the 1-mile delivery took over an hour, and the driver was rude. Another local place delivered their insanely expensive pizzas, but their driver set them on my driveway and never knocked. By the time we found them, they were cold.
I don’t order the cinnamon rolls anymore, and I’ve just ordered the pepperoni rolls for the last time. Except I’ve said both of those things in the past, and I always try to convince myself the times before where they were bad was just an isolated incident. The cinnamon rolls always seem overbaked and hard to me, so I should quit. There’s nothing at all wrong with the pepperoni rolls, it’s just that I compare them to someplace that makes them different. I’ll never shake that, because that place was an important part of my childhood. It’s also why I continue to order them, in hopes that someday they’ll be what I remember from Detroit.
My wife is on the fence with Five Star. She’s just picky in her own way, and she wants to go to the fancy gourmet places run by actual Italians. When it’s her turn to pick, she can have that. We’ve been to all of them in town, and me personally, I wouldn’t go back to any for pizza. I like the ambiance of some of the places, but really for me, pizza is a home thing. We call someone, they bring a pizza. I go out, I want something I can’t get at home. The important thing is that she doesn’t complain about the food. Once she gets past the shock of me ordering from a ‘chain’, she always seems surprised by how good it is. She forgets that, and we repeat the cycle.
The Bad News (for you)
Five Star is not a sit-down restaurant. While there might possibly be a table or two inside the building, it’s really just a counter for go orders. They’re busy, lots of drivers in and out. So it comes down to take-out or delivery.
If you’re in one of the rentals featured on this site, your options for getting delivery might be a little slim. I highly doubt they’re hitting a Ponte Vedra or Summer Haven rental. But they’re just outside of the historic district, and that’s where you’ll probably be anyway. If you placed an order on your phone while you were at the Castillo De San Marcos, your pizza would be ready when you got to the restaurant.
The website is basic, which I guess makes it easy. The actual order is placed on a secure 3rd party site. You enter your address, and it asks you to confirm it from a list. Then it will ask you to pick a restaurant location, and you’ll pick St. Augustine. You will be prompted to create an account, there does not appear to be a guest check-out option. Alternatively, you can just call them up and order over the phone.
That’s It
I was inspired to write this because of my order yesterday. It was really late at night, and the wife suggested pizza. She was surprised that Five Star was open and it was probably the first time I never got flack about it. The pizza was made right, delivered super fast, and…here’s the best part, to me….it tasted even better today. Cold, right out of the fridge. And a pizza that does that? It’s the best in town.
Order Five Star Pizza online at https://fivestarpizza.com/st-augustine-pizza/
Order by phone at 904-824-9868
Pick-Up at 987 S Ponce De Leon Blvd, St. Augustine, FL 32084