St. Augustine


Home Repair Issues You Need to Watch Out for With a Coastal Property

Living on the coasts close to the beach can be amazing. After all, you get to live where others pay to vacation. With stunning views and easy access to the beach, there’s a lot to enjoy. That said, there are also some home repair issues you’ll want to keep an eye on to make sure your home stays in good condition.

Sun Damage

It’s easy to see the way the sun impacts people. The tanned skin and bleached hair alone speak volumes. While it takes longer to see the effects of the sun on your home, make no mistake – the sun damages your home as surely as it causes skin cancer. The sun can make your home’s paint fade both inside and out. UV rays can fade furniture and flooring alike. You may not even notice it until you move furniture or a rug and see the lines where the floor had previously been covered.

Water Damage

Being close to a beach can be great for recreation, but it’s pretty rough on your home. Water in general is tough on homes. As a coastal property, not only will you be dealing with water in the form of precipitation, but you may also be dealing with ocean spray. That can take a toll on your siding. Keep an eye out for mold growth or leaks. You should look for the signs of a roof leak during the day when they are easy to spot. Make sure that the seals around your doors and windows are in good condition so you can keep as much water out as possible.


Not only is your home exposed to more water, but it’s exposed specifically to saltwater. Between the saltwater and the sand that can hit your home when the wind kicks up, your home could suffer from erosion. That can take a toll on your home’s paint job and scratch up your windows to the point where you can’t see through them anymore. Select shutters for your windows to give them extra protection and invest in exterior coatings designed to hold up against sand and saltwater.

Having a coastal property can be a dream, but your home can take a serious beating unless you keep up on maintenance. It’s important to keep an eye out for sun damage, water damage, and erosion. By keeping on top of home repairs you’ll keep your home strong, sturdy, and looking good so that you can enjoy it as long as you live there.

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